Monday, September 22, 2014

Baptismal Date!!

Sector- Lo Campino, Quilicura
Companero- Elder Zapata
Carta #54

HEyyyy family!!!

This week was really good!! I was so happy because it was the independence weeek in Chile!!! hahah and everyone celebrates it allll week and they alll just party the whole week!!!We got to play soccer on that day and pass the day with members, it was super sick!!! But as to the missionary work this week, there wasn't much we could do when everyone was just drunk, but we were able to have some success!!!

Soledad and her daughters finalllyyy went to church and they LOVED it!!! And the members were soooo nice to them and afterwards they were so excited!!!!

They have the baptismal date for Oct 5th so we are working really really hard for that date!! and she has 4 days without smoking!!! so were super excited!!!

It looks like you guys had a blasttt!! againnnn like always!!! Sophia looks like a BOSSS playing soccer. hahaha and thats sooo good that Ollie is becoming like me, that means he's learning how to be a bosss hahaha Ollie looks super grown up in the pics!!!Cant wait to get home and snap tha fizzz with tha fAmmm !!!!!1 hahaha

I love you guys!!!!!!1
Elder Dirkmaatttttttt

18 De Septembre!


Our Zone

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